Thursday, January 10, 2013

Bluebird Lane

It's official, we are home owners pending an inspection!! 

Tyler and I have been looking for houses over the past couple months. We got a relator in early December and started looking around the area for good prospects with marginal luck - the houses seemed small, or the neighborhood was too tight, or the area wasn't ideal. It seemed like there was always something - that is until we stumbled upon Bluebird Lane!! I knew Tyler was in love when we stepped onto the back porch, seeing woods for days and him drawling an imaginary bow I had to roll my eyes. I'm sure he's already scheming a plan to hunt from the back porch next deer season, which is fine cause I'm already scheming paint colors, furniture, and plenty of DIY projects. 

After talking with our relator we decided to put in a low ball offer and then wait to see what would happen. Obviously expecting a counter offer we were SHOCKED to get a phone call last night saying they accepted!! When I got the call it was fifteen minutes before the start of my shift at work. I swear I was doing a little happy dance in my head for the next several hours trying my best to keep myself contained.

Now all that's left to do is sign paperwork and schedule a home/termite inspection - keep your fingers crossed. If everything goes to plan we could be moved in by mid-February, just in time for our five year anniversary!! 

God is great, life is good.

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