Friday, January 18, 2013

Blogger Say What

It's time to make a confession... Tyler heard the news, or really saw the news.

I was writing my post last night when my man looked over my shoulder to see me "blogging." It's not something I was hiding but also not something I was really advertising. I decided I would give it a try "for me" not with plans of shouting it from the roof tops, "HEY I'm going to start a BLOG!!" insert cheesy fist pump to myself...

So of course he immediately starts busting out laughing, typical Tyler - he thought it was hilarious!! I can still hear him in my head, "honorary southerner, more like ornery southerner" hardy har har... Of course he was "on a roll" so he continued with unwarranted cracks like, "oh you're such a blogger" or "that's such a blogger thing to do/say." Don't worry no hard feelings here, he can make all the jokes he wants - it was actually kind of amusing seeing him so amped up ha ha, gotta love him!!

End scene: wrestling match to the death - or til I almost peed myself.
We had breakfast for dinner, always a classic, and rented the movie Brave which was really cute. I can never go wrong spending a lazy evening in with my man!!

Smoke kept me (the bacon) company while I made dinner!! 

I threw together what I could find in the fridge to make "breakfast cups" and they were actually really good besides being a tad bit overdone. The idea was inspired from a picture I saw via Pinterest, check out the legit recipe here (I made mine with crescent rolls instead of toast). I promise to do a legit recipe post one day when I have enough time to take sometime besides fuzzy iPhone pictures!!


  1. Girl, my husband didn't know for about 6-8 months that I didn't blog!! Heck, no one did, ha! The breakfast cups look good!

  2. Ha ha too funny. By the way happy belated birthday to your blog!! Two years thats awesome!! I'm still trying to figure out how this whole blogging world works, was attempting to make my blog "pretty" and figure out how to edit code - boy oh boy that is WAY over my head lol

  3. These look so good! I like food, so those breakfast cups look amazing.
